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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, (I’m really not good at doing blogs, so please bear with me)

A lot has changed in my life since last blog! The most obvious being the group change, coincidentally my new launch date is now on my birthday! I have mixed feelings of this seeing as how I’ll be away from loved ones, but I will say it will be one of the greatest opportunities in my life! 

As time gets closer I’m beginning to have feelings and thoughts of what will happen on launch day. Not of dread or fear, but of genuine curiosity of what God is leading me into. I have been praying continuously f my squad mates and I, but also the people that I will be introduced to. I have been praying to God not only for a spirit of boldness when I meet new people, but a spirit of vulnerability and humbleness. 

As I’m preparing to leave to go on the race, I have been pursuing a college degree in arts at my local community college. I have also invested more of my time into my churches college and young adult group. Where I have been blessed to have such great friends that have been supporting me prior to going on the race.

I have been blessed by God for him to put multiple people in my life to really drive and motivate me over the past several months. I have learned so much from these mentors to not only die to myself and my comforts, but to also (and I didn’t even know it was a word until we had this conversation) be interruptible. 

Thank you so much for all your prayers and for partnering with me in giving!  I would ask that you continue to pray for me and continue to partner with me in giving if you feel led! 

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Hayden Wilson

This blog for Hayden Wilson is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.